Friday, July 25, 2008

Sasquatch Autopsy Painting in Depth

I sculpt any references out of clay. I use sculpture when I need to match the light and shadow of a non-existing subject to a background. I always sculpt the models myself to put myself deeper into the painting. "Sasquatch Autopsy" is just  one example:

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingUnderpainting almost done.

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This is the Thomas Eakins original work that I reinterpetated. Mr. Eakins was a man of science and scientific method. The idea came about when the scientifically sound evolution theory in public schools underwent an attack from advocates of a less sound so-called Creation theory (or Intelligent design). To honor Darwinism and science, I wanted to tip my hat to Thomas Eakins. I wanted to illustrate the conflict of science and religion using symbols of superstition (Sasquatch, the Archbishop) of science (the surgeon, left composition of bleachers in shape of double helix) and the casualties (mass extinction of animals, progressive ideas). All of these things are interconnected and I wanted to make this point through this painting.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingHere is the double helix composition.

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Evolution-Double Helix sculpture close up.

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Evolution Double Helix.

Sketches and Studies

Some of these are studies for upcoming  color paintings, some are abandoned painting ideas.

Abandoned Work
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"Burning Bush" (upcoming painting)
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"Allegory of the cave" (upcoming Microdot painting)
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"You will soon become..." (upcoming painting)
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"Microdot" (one of the studies for the last painting in Microdot series)
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"Mr. Klein" (upcoming painting)
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"Swamp Thing" abandoned
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First Microdot study, abandoned, too busy.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

First entry

My first entry. Nothing to say. I'm working on a commission piece right now for a friend of mine. Here's where I'm at with it now-Photobucket
Yes it is Oswald and this isn't a glorification of him or a shock piece. I like to think of him as an icon of suspicion.